
10MinuteGoodies Mentoring Program. Helping You Start Your Own Food Blog

Nice to meet you!, Anne Marie here,

I am the founder of 10 Minute Goodies, and in a nuttshell, I quit my fulltime job as a Kingergarden teacher, to become a fulltime blogger. Specifically, I'm into cooking blogs, and 10 Minute Goodies is my main sources of income. Yes, I make a living from creating and publishing Cooking Recipes, and in this page I will explain how you too can make a living from food blogs, and how we can help you achive that, taking care of all of the "Tech Stuff" for you, letting you focus on creating food content only.

This page has all the info you need, regarding our Mentoring Program and the way we will work together. There is quite a lot to read, but we are all about transparency, and giving you as much information as possible regarding our mentoring program. If you still have questions, feel free to ask when applying to the program at the bottom of the page. There is a dedicated field for questions, and for the ones who will be accepted to our Mentoring Program - We wish you all the best, and welcome!.

My goal here is to give you a full picture of what it takes and what is expected from a food blogger, in order for you to decide if it is something you would like to do as well. If you do decide that opening a food blog is right for you - Then our Mentoring Program might just be what you need.

In order to not waste your time, lets' put the cards on the table here: Being a food blogger is not hard. On the contrary, it is quite simple. The main obsticle every food blogger faces is finding the time to maintain their cooking blog, while working on their day to day job. Don't get me wrong. I didn't quit my job to become a food blogger. Instead, I did both of them in parallel, and it took me a while until my food blog was making enough money for me to be able to quit my job. I bet you did not expect to see the last part in bold, but the fact is: I am not here to sell you dreams. Better yet, Our mentoring program is totally, 100% FREE - So I am not here to sell you anything. If you always dreamed of cooking for a living, and you want to start your own food blog and make money from it, then keep on reading, and if our Mentoring Program is something that can work for you - Submit your application to our Mentoring Program at the bottom of the page, and we hope to see you among our students soon. Happy reading!

Table of Contents
  1. How do Cooking Blogs make money?
  2. Do I need to have any technical skill in order to open my own food blog?
  3. How much time do I need to invest in my Food Blog?
  4. How our Mentorship Program work?
  5. Communication during our Mentorship Program
  6. How do we earn from our Mentorship Program?
  7. Can I end communication with you and go on my own way?
  8. Is there an alternative to paying the 15% commission on future profits?
  9. I have some additional questions about the Mentoring Program. Who can I talk to?
  10. Additional Requirements and things to know
  11. Apply to our Mentoring Program

How do Cooking Blogs make money?

Have you ever wondered around facebook, Instagram and Tiktok and saw all of these great posts and videos of people cooking and baking stuff for the world to see?. First, their dishes looks great (lets' be honest here). Second, most of them did not put the effort of creating that post / blog recipe / video just for you to see that they know how to cook. They created that content for the money!. Yes, they are getting paid to publish their work for the world to see. Now comes the great question: Who pays them to cook, and why would anyone pay them to upload a recipe or a video?. These are some great questions. Well, here are some ways food bloggers makes money from the content they create:

1. Google (Adsense) for planting advertisements on your recipe's page.
2. Youtube for video views - Same concept, advertisements shown in the beginning / middle of your videos.
3. Sponsers.
4. Creating cooking book and selling them on Amazon.

The first two, Google and Youtube, have companies (their clients) that advertise in their platforms, and they (Google and Youtube) plant the advertisements on your content. Wether your content is a "how to cook video" or a cooking recipe, these ads are shown to your visitors, and you get paid whenever a visitor on your blog see or click on the advertisement (or both - depending on the company you choose to work with and their terms). So you get money for visitors coming to see your content, the company who puts the advertisements on your blog or video gets money from the companies that advertises with them, and so - It is a win-win situation for everyone.

Till here, we covered the first two options. Lets' focus on the third one for a second. The "Sponsers" part. Behind the great looking dishes that these content creators make, you might notice the "background" or "environment" of where they cook / bake. What you might notice is that some of them have a kitchen which looks like it was carved by an Italian sculper, or something that you must have said: "That kitchen is worth tens of thousands. I wish I had one, but you have to be a millionare to buy one". Well, there are some good news. The chances are, that they did not even buy or paid for their kitchen. They most likely got it for free or that their cooking blog made so much money, and so, they decided to invest that money and buy a great looking kitchen, in order to make their videos look even more great and proffesional.

Lets' get back to the "chances are" part for a second. Many times, sponsers will pay you or give you something in return to appear, as an advertisement, in your cooking blog or videos. Lets take for example a kitchens' company named: "I Love Cooking Kitchens". Many times, these companies will contact cooking blogs with good amount of visitors (The marketing term for blog visitors is called "website traffic") and they will offer them either a payment or, for exampe, a brand new kitchen, in return for the food blog to "show the brand's logo to the visitors". So if you saw some logo of a kitchen company in any of the cooking blogs that you visited, or the cooking videoes you watched - Well, lets' say it is no coincidence. Assume it is was given as a payment by the company of that product that has its logo. But why stop there?. Ever saw a branded oven or fruit cutter or blender and so on?. If you see the logo, most likely it was given "for free", plus payments, just for that content creator to show that he works with that brand. The visitors, who watches that content creator will think to themself: "oh. these guys are reputable / proffesional cooking company. They have thousands of recipes and books and so on. If they use brand X, then it must be good!. I will go and purchase one". Taking into account, for example, that the blog has several thousands daily visitors - you do the math for the profit of the brand from sales.

As for the fourth way of making money - Creating cooking books for sale on Amazon (for example) - Simply search for "Cooking Book" on amazon, and see how many books they have. Some of them have thousands of sales. Imagine that you already created the cooking blog recipe, with all of the steps, ingridients and took photos of the final dish from different angle. Everything already exists - Why not create a cooking book which will act as another source of income?. You get the point.

Bottom line, there are tons of ways you can make money, or money equivilent, from your cooking blog, and the four ways we covered are only a partial list. In reality there are planty more income sources for food / cooking blogs, but I listed the main ones for you to understand the general idea on how to make money from cooking blogs.

Do I need to have any technical skill in order to open my own food blog?

The system we will teach you to work with is super simple, and you would only need to follow a set of rules that you learn once and simply repeat, and we will guide you, and be here to support you for any question you may have. Generally speaking, if you ever posted on facebook? - That is enough, because the same logic applies with the system we work with. You have fields to fill in. Like "Recipe title" and "Recipe picture", and you simply type text into that field or choose a picture from the dropdown - easy as that. Other then that, you would need to know how to change the picture size on your camera, and we will help you with that as well. That's about it. You would need either a laptop or a desktop computer to access the cooking blog management system, and that's about it. We will help you and guide you throughout the entire process, and teach you everything you need to know - We've got you covered.

How much time do I need to invest in my Food Blog?

As a general rule of thumb, you would have to spend about 1 hour per recipe, and the reccomended amount of recipes per week is between 1-3 recipes - one being the bare minimum. If you could do more? - Better!. Think of it that way: You already cook for yourself or for your family, so you just need to take pictures of the steps and the final dish, which takes minutes, and then you'll need to write a list of steps, ingridients, calorie value and so on - On avarage that should take about 20-25 minutes. So the total time spent on each recipe would be about an hour, and we're talking about 1-3 hours weekly (3 hours if you could do 3 recipes, which is great). At the beginning it might take you some time until you master the steps and so on - but once you get the concept, you will do that on auto pilot.

How our Mentorship Program work?

You will start by learning "How to create food blog recipes" on our website - 10 Minute Goodies, and you will upload real recipes which would be presented to our viewers, live on our website. We have our own unique cooking blog management system, which you need to get familiar with, and all of the recipes you upload will be uploaded using our management system. That, along with "how to create beautiful cooking recipes", will be a part of your training, until you get enough experience in creating cooking recipes, which will allow you to go on you way - Opening your own cooking blog. Each recipe you upload will go through a review process, and if some elements of the recipe requires correction, you will be asked to do so. Our goal is to create a detailed, expainatory content which the user will love, and so, we try to give the visitors a recipe which they would enjoy reading, and the more content is the better - That is our moto, and it seems to be the moto of the search engines as well.

How many recipes will I need to create as part of my learning process?:
As part of your training, you will create 15 cooking recipes, which will be published on our cooking blog - 10 Minute Goodies. We will review and give feedback (and might even ask for changes to be made) on each of your recipes, with the goal of teaching you how to create a great recipe that the user will love. Our notes and tips will prepare you for the day you start your own cooking blog - right after you finish with your training. Now, even thou it is a training period, for each recipe that you create and we approve, you will recieve 25$ worth of credits (again, for each recipe), and also, you will recieve additional exposure by posting a link to your own cooking blog in the recipes' page on 10 Minute Goodies, which will help your blog get more traffic from our, already established cooking blog. Our visitors would be able to access your blog by clicking on the link on your recipe page on our blog.

What are those credits and why do I need them? - Our goal is that every student we mentor in our program will open their own food blog. It does not mean we throw you away. On the contrary, After we open your food blog for you, we will be here to support and help you with every aspect that is required for your own blog to operate smoothly, including technical assistance and troubleshooting (if required). Owning a blog, for the most part - Is not free. IT CAN BE, and we'll explain the method we work at, and the advantage of working with us on our mentoring program: Owning a blog requires you to have 3 things: 1. A "Domain Name". Something like: 10minutegoodies.com (for example). 2. A website, which, someone has to build. That is the actual blog and what the user sees when he enters your domain. 3. That website (blog) should be placed ("hosted") on a specific computer, which is called "A Server", and once someone types in your domain name, that server will present the visitor with the actual website (your food blog). The server should run 24/7 and the operation of putting your website on such server is called "Hosting", which is a service that costs money on a monthly basis. Those 3 things?, costs money.

Now lets' make things simple: We will build the website (Your Food Blog) and it would look exactly like ours, just different domain name and different design - but it will have the same website structure, which is also the reason you train on our systems, because it would be just like our food blog - Everything will be the same. The website (blog) creation and design costs are all on us. 100% FREE on your end. We will also host your blog on our servers and we will help you buy a domain name on your own. As for the domain name, you will have to pay for it, and you can choose any domain register you want. The yearly cost of the domain is not something we earn or something we benefit from. The payment is done to an external domain register of your choice - Again, not related to us. With that being said, we will help you with the domain register, and the cost for a domain is around 15$ per year (Per Year!. It comes to about 1$ a month. Regarding the Food Blog Hosting, as explained above, that service, in general, costs money, BUT you will be able to pay for it with the credits you recieved for each recipe you created for us (Remember those 15 Recipes you create as part of your training?). The cost of hosting depends on your needs. When you start a new blog, you will have less visitors until it grows, and so, it would cost several dollars a month. Once your food blog grows, it would need a better, stronger server to support huge amount of website visitors (website traffic), and so, you would need to pay more, but that also means that you earn more. But for starters, the hosting fee is several dollars a month, and taking into account that you get 25$ for each recipe, and you will create 15 recipes during your training - You do the math, but in general, you are covered for your food blog hosting for about a decade. The bottom line is: All of your initial investment would be 15$ a year, and again, that cost does not go to us, but for any domain register of your choice.

Communication during our Mentorship Program

Since we work with many students, and in order for us not to miss any request or task for each student, we have created a special chat like section inside our management system. It is the same management system that you will use to upload new recipes. Most of our communication will be done there. That way, we can gurentee that nothing is forgotten and all the requests are taken care of untill compliation. With that being said, if further assistance is needed, we will communicate in one of the following platforms: Skype, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, WhatsApp - Whatever is easier for you. You will have a video chat with me (Anne Marie) or one of my staff, and they would make sure you are getting all the support you need. But once again, for the most part - the communication will be done via an Online Chat.

How do we earn from our Mentorship Program?

Based on what you have read so far, We don't get or ask ANY form of payment from you. Not a dime. On the contrary, We do ALL (!) of the following for you, free of charge:
  • Teach you how to create a better, more attractive cooking recipe, review all of your work and give you notes and pointers for you to improve your quality of cooking recipes
  • Teach you how to shoot better pictures and digital edit of existing ones for them to look way more attractive, for your visitors to say "Wow" and come back for more recipes
  • Build a fully operational cooking blog for you, including a unique design - Free of charge
  • Host your cooking blog on our servers, with all the costs paid by us
  • Improve your cooing blog's SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Capabilities, in order for it to rank better in the search results, which will bring you more organic traffic (website visitors).
  • Take care of all related IT aspects related to the hosting server and possible IT issues that may arise, including ongoing server maintainance.
  • Help you apply for Google (Adsense) advertisement program when your blog is ready to be monotized. Do note that Google usually require between 50-70 articles (or recipes) in order to apply for their program, but there are further requirements. We will handle the submission process for you (with a little bit of help on your side that is)
  • Set up a general "Terms Of Use" and a "Privacy Policy" sections for your food blog. Do note that we are not lawyers, and do not offer any legal advice. Either way, you will have to make sure that these two policies are good for you, or, for example, you can send us your own policies, and we will put them on your blog.
As you can see, we have a lot of work on our hands, and that list is partial. In reality, we do way more, and that is done for each and every cooking blog we mentor. We get hundreads of requests from all over the world of students wishing to participate in our Mentoring Program, but due to limited resources, and following an evaluation process we perform - We choose to continue with the ones we believe are hungry for success, and would realy want to change their lives.

What is in it for us?: We ask for 15% of all income your cooking blog will generate in the future. The important part is: You will pay these percentage ONLY If And When your cooking blog start earning money - Not A DAY BEFORE!. That just comes to show you how much we believe in our way, and we are willing to invest time, effort and money without being paid for it, because we believe we can make your food blog make money, and once you start earning money - we start earning money, so all the risk is on us, because we work for free, until you start earning money, and so, you can be certain that we will do our best for you to earn money, because if you don't earn - we don't earn (and we wouldn't want that would we?).

Can I end the communication with you and go on my own way?

We don't believe in keeping someone against their will, and so, since you are the owner of YOUR domain, you can decide, in a matter of seconds, to point your domain to a different website, which is hosted anywhere else in the world. Meaning, you can have your domain name pointing to a different website whenever you like - It is yours and no one but you is the owner of the domain you purchased. So yeah, if you would like to do that, you can, and we will wish you all the best.

Few things to consider thou: First: If the reason for wanting to end the communication is the 15% commission we get from your profits (and we only get that once you start earning - Not before), then you might want to read the next block ("Is there an alternative option to paying the 15% commission on future profits") which could offer an alternative solution. Second, all of the benefits of our mentoring program will be given ONLY to the ones who works with us. Once you decide to stop working with us and go and create your own blog somewhere else - you are on your own, and you won't be able to continue using our system or website or any other services we provided for you. With that being said, before you decide to go on your own and end the communication with us, here is what you need to know in order to make it work on your own: 1. Software skills (Website Developement). 2. SEO Skills (Website organic promotion on the different search engines). 3. IT and Hosting knowledge in order to set up and configure and maintain your hosting server (let alone if you have an hardware malefunction, you need to replace IT equipment and make sure you have a backup of all the data). 4. Learning on a new "Food Blog" system, which might not be as good or as simple as ours, let alone the support and guideness we provide, which is Totally 100% FREE for you with no charges at all.

The bottom line: If you don't have one or more of the skills mentioned above, you would need to pay someone to do that for you, and now comes the question: Is ONLY 15% of your profits really worth trying to do things on your own?. Yes, only 15%. Think of what you get in return: We take care of all of the "Head Ache" part for you - So it is a point worth considering before ending the communication with us, but we will accept any decision you'll make, and always will wish you all the best.

Is there an alternative option to paying the 15% commission on future profits?

If you want to work with us in the method of us being a service provider - We have no problem working in that method, and we will charge a monthly fee for our service, But, you need to decide that from day one, not if and once you start making profits. It is fair for both sides. Do note that when you just start your cooking blog, you will pay a few dollars a month. The equivilent of one to two cups of coffee to be exact. Once you grow and need more resources (better server to support way more traffic and so on) - Your monthly fee will increase, But that also mean that your Profits Increased!, and you would be able to pay for our services from your profits. Just with any business, the desire is always to grow. 

I have some additional questions about the Mentoring Program. Who can I talk to?

Feel free to visit our FAQ page, for additional questions that were already asked by other students, and hopefuly you'll find your answer there. If you still haven't found the answer to your questions, then upon applying to the Mentoring Program (The next dialog box after this one), there is a specific box for "Questions or Notes That You May Have". Insert all of your questions there, and we will get back to you with answers.

Additional Requirements and things to know

The first requirement is for you to be 18 years old or older. The second requirement is that you either know how to cook or how to bake. Knowing both cooking and baking is ok as well, but not mandatory - Knowing one of them is enough. Upon applying to our Mentoring Program, you will recieve an invitation to fill out a form, where we get to know you and your cooking or baking preferences, and we will ask for pictures of 5 different dishes you made. You will have an option to add 10 dishes, but we ask for a minimum of 5. We are talking about pictures only, in order for us to get an idea about your level of cooking (or baking) and to also understand what kind of dishes you love making. We will also ask questions related to other fields, in order to understand your level of knowledge, in other fields, like computers, social media and so on, and we will also ask for some personal details, such as country, date of birth, mobile phone number and so on. We also remind you that Our Mentoring Program is Totally, 100% FREE, and we won't ask for ANY payment method. Following our evaluation process, we will let you know if your were accepted to the program, and when does it start and what you need to do prior to that. We usually start a group once a month, depending on the number of students we have. We will have private sessions with each student seperately. Our goal is to give you 100% attention. After all - We will work together as future partners, and would like you to get the best info you can get out of the program. Also, The Training is done Online, from the comfort of your Pijama. Once you are done with your training, and the next step would be to open you own food blog, there are some things that we ask, and are mandatory as part of our Mentoring Program: The first thing you would need is to show a picture of you on the right side of the page, same as the picture of Anne Marie, our founder, appaers on this page on the right side (for example). You may choose any picture you want, but your face must be completely shown. Meaning, no sun glasses, hats or any other prop - completely shown face. The picture by the way is a face picture only, not a body picture. This is one requirement we ask, because based on our research, both sponsers and blog visitors tends to relate to a food blog where they see the actual person behind the recipe, and so, many times an instant connection is made, which could help your food blog grow, or make extra money, and that is why we ask it as a mandatory requirement. The second requirement is regarding the point when your food blog starts making money: If that time comes, you need to know that in order to work with sponsers or any other company that will advertise on your cooking blog, you would have to provide a receipt for their payment, and so, you would need to be able to provide receipts - That is another requirement you need to know in advance. Each country has its own solutions, but in general, it means becoming a freelancer or opening a company. Any accountant can advise you on your options and how to do it - that is their job. Once you have your freelancer / company business set up, you would be required to provide us with a document showing you are indeed the owner of the business, and the ID of the business - Again, that is a mandatory requirement. The third requirement is for the 15 cooking recipes you will create during your training. You will be required to upload at least one recipe every week. That shows us that you indeed have the time to put on your future cooking blog, and without it - We will not proceed to the stage of opening a food blog for you. As stated above - A good amount of recipes to create is between 1-3 a week, 1 being the bare minimum, and that is what we expect to see during your training as well. Also, and as we said in the beginning of this document, we are all in for transparency, and so, it is important for us to tell you that while it is entirely up to you and the amount of effort you put into your future food blog, that will determine if and when you start making money from it, as with any business, WE CAN NOT GURENTEE THAT YOU WILL MAKE MONEY FROM YOUR FUTURE FOOD BLOG, regardless of how much time and effort you put into it. Yes, there could be a scenario where you won't make money from your Cooking Blog at all - Not Everyone makes it - But then again, since we pay for everything for you (except for the domain name, which is money that does not go to us, and it would cost you several cups of coffee per year), you need to ask yourself: "Is a Few Cups Of Coffee Worth The Opportunity Of Trying To Change My Life?". The facts are: There are milions of people who makes money from their cookig blogs, including us, and so, if you follow our steps, and using our guideness, hopefully, you will make money too. We hope to see you as a student of our Mentoring Program soon, and we wish you all the best. If you are interested in applying to our program, please fill in the form below. Good Luck!.
I Read EVERYTHING, Understood How The Program Works AND WOULD LIKE TO APPLY
Questions you may have that did not appear on our FAQ Page and you wish to ask (Optional):