
10 Minute Goodies' Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Section. Here we will address common questions which are often asked by our visitors. The questions listed here reffers to the following categories: Our Mentoring Program, where we help you Open Your Own Food Blog, our Affiliate Program, where we pay you for every client you reffer to us that ended up using our services, our Online Drawing Lesson For Kids Class, which will be thought by our Founder, Anne Marie and the last category is General Questions. If you have any other question which is not mentioned here, or any question of a different topic - Feel free to use our Contact Us page, and we will do our best to get back to you with an answer

Common Questions Regarding Our Mentoring Program

Am I guaranteed to make money from my Food Blog?
In our "Mentoring Program" page, which explains exactly how Food Bloggers make money, we presented 4 income sources types that generates income for a Food Blog. In reality, there are way more then 4 income streams for a Food Blog to make money from, and most of the Food Blogs out there have about 8-12 different income streams (or more) that generates money for their Food Blog, and our goal is to implement as many income streams on your Food Blog, and for that we have our Mentoring Program, where we do everything for you - Inluding the implementation of different income streams for your Food Blog to benefit from. Now that is on our side only. In addition to the income streams we implement on your Cooking Blog, you can add other income streams yourself, like, for example: Openning A Cooking Class for your Food Blog Fans, Cooking VIP Dinner for them (Paid of course) and many other creative ideas that can generate money from your Cooking Blog. With that being said, it is still a business, and just as with any business, there can be a scenario where your Food Blog will not make any income, even if you do everything right, although, if you combine many different income streams, and none makes money on the long run - Something might be wrong with the way you do marketing, for example, and that needs to be examined. But as said, even if you do everything right - it could happen, and we are putting things on the table here for you to know before you decide openning your own Food Blog and spending effort and time (and maybe even money), with or without our Mentoring Program.

Common Questions Regarding Our Affiliate Program

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Common Questions Regarding Our Online Drawing Class For Kids

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Common General Questions

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