
10MinuteGoodies Site Usage

Thank you for visiting 10 Minute Goodies Website titled "10minutegoodies.com". In return for gaining access to the Site (Website) and using it, you agree to be bound by the following Agreement without limitation or qualification, so please carefully review this Agreement before proceeding. If you do not intend to be legally bound by these terms and conditions, do not access and use the Site. 10 Minute Goodies reserves the right to change this Agreement and to make changes to any of the products or programs described in the Site at any time without notice or liability. Any such revisions are prospectively binding on you and therefore you should periodically visit this page when you use the Site to review the then current Agreement that binds you. 10 Minute Goodies also reserves the right in its sole and unfettered discretion to deny you access to the Site at any time. 10 Minute Goodies enters into agreements with third parties from time to time to provide our customers with the opportunity to obtain special services, products or prices offered by the third party. You will not be deemed to be violating this agreement when acting in accordance with the terms and conditions of any such program. Likewise, the terms and conditions in this agreement will be considered broadened to the extent needed to permit such third parties to operate within the terms of a written agreement they have entered into with us. The titles in this Agreement are provided only for your convenience and are not to be used in interpreting the Agreement.

Intellectual property notifications

Unless otherwise noted, all information, account information, articles, recipes, data, images, passwords, Personal Identification Numbers ("PINs"), screens, text, user names, Web pages, or other materials (collectively "Content") appearing on the Site are the exclusive property of 10 Minute Goodies, or their subsidiaries and affiliates:
  • All information, products, services and software contained on or used in the Site ("Content") is Copyright 2024 by 10 Minute Goodies, Inc. All rights reserved. Please assume that everything you see or read on the Site is copyrighted to, or used with permission by, 10 Minute Goodies unless otherwise noted.
  • The trademarks, logos, service marks, and trade dress (collectively the "Trademarks") displayed on the Site are registered and unregistered Trademarks of 10 Minute Goodies, Inc. or others.
  • Images of people, objects, or places displayed on the Site are either the property of, or used with permission by 10 Minute Goodies, or their subsidiaries and affiliates.
  • 10 Minute Goodies owns or uses by permission all software contained on the Site, including without limitation all HTML code and Active X controls. Copyright and other laws and international treaty provisions protect this software. The law expressly prohibits any modification, redistribution, or reproduction of the software, and such actions could result in severe civil and criminal penalties. 10 Minute Goodies will seek and support prosecuting violators to the maximum extent possible.
  • You may not copy, display, distribute, download, license, modify, publish, re-post, reproduce, reuse, sell, transmit, use to create a derivative work, or otherwise use the content of the Site for public or commercial purposes. Nothing on the Site shall be construed to confer any grant or license of any intellectual property rights, whether by estoppel, by implication, or otherwise.

Your representations and warranties

By using the Site, you represent and warrant that you are 18 years of age or older and possess the legal right and ability to enter into this Agreement and to use the Site in accordance with all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You accept financial responsibility for all use of the Site under your name or account, including without limitation all uses of your account by others, including minors living with you. You may allow other members of your household to use the Site under your name or account only if you agree to pay all charges that they incur and to be responsible for all other aspects of their usage. You further agree to supervise all minors who use the Site under your name or account. You agree not to assign, transfer, or sublicense your rights pursuant to this Agreement.

Your indemnity obligation

You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless 10 Minute Goodies and its affiliates from and against any and all claims, demands, proceedings, suits and actions, including any related liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, deficiencies, penalties, taxes, levies, fines, judgments, settlements, expenses (including legal and accountants' fees and disbursements) and costs (collectively, "Claims"), based on, arising out of or resulting from your use of the Site, including without limitation any Claims alleging facts that if true would constitute your breach of this Agreement.

Limitations on your use

Your account information is owned by and proprietary to 10 Minute Goodies. While you may access your account information through the Site, you may not give access to your account to any person or entity other than a member of your household.

You must access your account information directly through the Site and not through a third party Website.

You agree that you will not misuse the Site. "Misuse" includes, but is not limited to, using the Site to do any of the following:
  • Distribute, disseminate, post, or publish any information or material that degrades, embarrasses, harasses, humiliates, intimidates, or threatens any individual or group of individuals on the basis of their age, ancestry, color, ethnicity, marital status, medical condition, mental or physical disability, national origin, race, sex, sexual orientation, union or nonunion affiliation, or any other basis protected by federal, state, or local law or ordinance.
  • Abuse, defame, harass, stalk, threaten, or otherwise violate others' legal rights, including but not limited to rights of privacy and publicity.
  • Download or upload files that may damage the operation of another's computer, such as computer viruses, corrupt files, or similar software.
  • Download or upload files that contain materials, including but not limited to software that violate the intellectual property, privacy, or publicity rights of others unless you own, control, or have been authorized to exercise such rights.
  • Misrepresent or omit the origin or source of any file you download or upload.
  • Download or upload files that do not contain the posted proprietary language, author attributions, and/or copyright, patent, or trademark notices.
  • Distribute, disseminate, post, or publish any indecent, infringing, obscene, or unlawful information or material.
  • Engage in any commercial purpose including but not limited to: Advertising or offering to sell any goods or services; conducting contests or surveys; distributing chain letters, or advertising with respect to any Ponzi scheme or pyramid scheme; advertising or offering to sell any business opportunities, direct sales opportunities, employment, independent contractor positions, multi-level marketing opportunities, or securities.
  • Post, send, or otherwise disclose confidential information, trade secrets, or other confidential and/or protected proprietary data of any entity or person, including but not limited to 10 Minute Goodies, or their subsidiaries and affiliates.
  • Download or upload files that you know, or reasonably should know, cannot be legally distributed through the Site.
  • Copy or create derivative works from, display, distribute, license, perform, publish, recreate, reproduce, sell, transfer, or transmit any information, products, services, or software obtained by, from, or through the Site.
  • Monitor or copy any Content by using any manual process, or any robot, spider, or other automatic device, without first obtaining 10 Minute Goodies’ prior written consent.
  • Take any action that will or could impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our site infrastructure.
  • Access information about any 10 Minute Goodies member protected by site log-in and post it on any other Website, with or without that 10 Minute Goodies member's consent.
  • Utilize an 10 Minute Goodies member's password or personal identification number during log-in, unless you are: the 10 Minute Goodies member to whom that password or personal identification number is assigned (the "Authorized 10 Minute Goodies member"); a family member of the Authorized 10 Minute Goodies Member, acting with the Authorized 10 Minute Goodies Member's permission; or an employee of the Authorized 10 Minute Goodies Member's employer, acting with the Authorized 10 Minute Goodies Member's permission.
  • Engage in any other conduct that is, or that 10 Minute Goodies deems to be, in conflict with this Agreement. 10 Minute Goodies forbids such Misuses, and access of the Site for any such Misuses or other similar purposes is an unauthorized use of the Site.

No warranty by 10 Minute Goodies

The Content may contain inaccuracies and/or typographical errors. 10 Minute Goodies may alter, change or improve the Content at any time and without notice. 10 Minute Goodies makes no representations or warranties as to the Content's completeness or accuracy, and makes no commitment to update the Content. 10 Minute Goodies makes no representations about the Content's suitability for any purpose.


10 Minute Goodies neither warrants nor represents that your use of information and material on the Site will not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of third parties. 10 Minute Goodies shall not be liable for any virus or other damage to your computer equipment or other property due to your accessing, browsing, or using the Site or due to your downloading any audio, data, images, materials, pictures, text or video from the Site. Because 10 Minute Goodies provides services and products in many parts of the world, the Site may refer to certain goods, products, and/or services that are not available in your area. A reference to goods, products, and/or services without limiting their geographic scope does not imply that 10 Minute Goodies offers or intends to offer those goods, products, and/or services in all locations.

Use of information you provide 10 Minute Goodies

Consistent with the 10 Minute Goodies privacy policy, we ask you to provide us with certain information when you purchase or when you take advantage of certain personalized services. You agree that when you provide such information, the information will be accurate. Under no circumstances will you provide false or misleading information. We agree to use this information in a manner consistent with our privacy policy. To review our privacy policy, please click on the "Privacy Policy" link at the bottom of any page. For use of certain services, we may provide you with a pass code. This pass code is proprietary to and the property of 10 Minute Goodies. However, you must take precautions to insure the security of your pass code. 10 Minute Goodies assumes no responsibility for and will not be liable in the event that another person learns your pass code or uses your pass code to cause damage to you. While 10 Minute Goodies takes reasonable steps to safeguard and to prevent unauthorized access to your private information, we cannot be responsible for the acts of those who gain unauthorized access, and we make no warranty, express, implied, or otherwise, that we will prevent unauthorized access to your private information. IN NO EVENT SHALL 10 Minute Goodies OR ITS AFFILIATES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES (WHETHER CONSEQUENTIAL, DIRECT, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR OTHERWISE) ARISING OUT OF, OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH, A THIRD PARTY'S UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO YOUR INFORMATION, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH DAMAGES ARE BASED ON CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, TORT OR OTHER THEORIES OF LIABILITY, AND ALSO REGARDLESS OF WHETHER 10 Minute Goodies WAS GIVEN ACTUAL OR CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE THAT DAMAGES WERE POSSIBLE.

Links to other sites and to the Site

The Site may provide hyperlinks or references to other sites. While 10 Minute Goodies endeavors to provide links only to sites that are reputable and safe, we take no responsibility for the information, products, or services obtained on such other sites and will not be liable for any damages arising from your access to such sites. 10 Minute Goodies provides any such links to other sites merely for your convenience and our inclusion of such links and frames in the Site does not imply an endorsement of the linked or framed sites, their content, or the persons or entities operating those sites. Therefore, you assume sole responsibility for using links or pointers to third parties.10 Minute Goodies specifically denies you permission to hyperlink or provide references to the Site, unless you are allowed to do so under a separate written agreement with 10 Minute Goodies. You are also denied permission to use any trademarked or copyrighted material to provide such hyperlinks or references, unless you are allowed to do so under a separate written agreement with 10 Minute Goodies. 10 Minute Goodies bears no responsibility for sites that provide hyperlinks or references to the Site unless those sites are operated by 10 Minute Goodies.

Your communication with us

10 Minute Goodies will not treat as confidential any communications you send to us by electronic mail or otherwise. 10 Minute Goodies has no obligation to refrain from publishing, reproducing, or otherwise using your communications in any way and for any purpose.10 Minute Goodies does not accept or consider unsolicited proposals related to its business, including but not limited to proposals for advertising campaigns, logos, names, processes, products, promotions, services, slogans, and technologies. 10 Minute Goodies therefore requests that you not send such proposals. Please also refrain from sending original creative artwork, blueprints, demonstratives, designs, layouts, photographs, or samples. 10 Minute Goodies has adopted this policy to prevent claims that we have copied such unsolicited ideas without authorization, when, in fact, we developed the idea independent of or even long before receiving the unsolicited proposal. If you do send us unsolicited proposals, then do so with the understanding that 10 Minute Goodies may use any concepts, ideas, inventions, know-how, or techniques that you disclose in those communications for any purpose, including the developing, manufacturing, and/or marketing of goods, products, or services. 10 Minute Goodies may do so free of any obligation to compensate you for that use.

Comparison monitoring of on-line chats or telephone conversations with 10 Minute Goodies

The Site may provide you the ability to have an on-line chat session with 10 Minute Goodies or with information as to how you can contact 10 Minute Goodies by telephone. You may use these functions only for business purposes related to the Site. For quality assurance purposes, 10 Minute Goodies may monitor, record, and/or transcribe the contents of these communications. By contacting 10 Minute Goodies, you agree that the communication may be monitored, recorded, and/or transcribed and you consent to the monitoring, recording, and/or transcribing. Such records may be kept indefinitely or disposed of at our discretion.

Your use of Forums

You agree to use any bulletin boards, chat rooms, conferences, or other communication or message facilities ("Forums") contained on the Site only to send and receive material and messages that are proper and related to the particular Forum. You further agree that you will use the Forums in conformity with all applicable laws and this Agreement. You agree that you will not Misuse a Forum.10 Minute Goodies reserves the right to remove at will and without notice any Content on the Site, including anything you post in a Forum. You understand that any use by you of a Forum constitutes a public communication. You understand that 10 Minute Goodies owns any and all information or material that you post on a Forum. You agree that you waive all of the rights you have to any information or material that you post on a Forum. 10 Minute Goodies has the right to do whatever it wishes with that information or material, including but not limited to deleting or editing for any reason any posting by you. You further acknowledge that 10 Minute Goodies does not endorse or sponsor any information or material posted by Forum users, and that 10 Minute Goodies has no responsibility to approve, review, or screen such information or material.

Forum for actions, governing law, and procedural restrictions

You agree that this Agreement is made and entered into in Lisbon, Portugal. You agree that Portugal law governs this Agreement's interpretation and/or any dispute arising from your access to, dealings with, or use of the Site, without regard to conflicts of law principles. Any lawsuit brought by you related to your access to, dealings with, or use of the Site must be brought in the state of Lisbon, Portugal. You agree and understand that you will not bring against 10 Minute Goodies, or any of its affiliated entities, agents, directors, employees, and/or officers any class action lawsuit related to your access to, dealings with, or use of the Site.

Other terms

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement governing your access to, dealings with, and use of the Site. Of course, separate agreements may attach to any goods, products, or services you obtain, purchase, or use from the Site. In the case of a conflict between this Agreement and any agreement specific to any goods, products, or services that you obtain, purchase, or use from the Site, the terms of the specific agreement shall govern.Any failure of 10 Minute Goodies to assert any rights it may have under this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of our right to assert the same or any other right at any other time or against any other person or entity. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be stricken from this Agreement without affecting the validity or enforceability of any other provision.