
Start A Food Blog. Change Your Life.

Lets' talk about The Main Reason that would make you Want To Open Your Own Food Blog Today!

I bet you saw at least one, two, few hundred Cooking Recipes all over social media of different yummy dishes. It could be cooking, baking, chinese, vegetarian, chocolate - You name it, and it doesn't really matter. What does matter is that Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and pretty much every social media platform are all full of these cooking recipes. Have you ever stopped for a second and asked yourself "Why?". Or better yet: "What's in it for them?".

Picture of a Cook throwing away money in the air - Money that she earned from her Cooking Blog
Illustration: Picture of a Cook presenting her dish, while Money That She Earned From Her Cooking Blog is falling from the sky

How many times, after reading or watching one of these Cooking Recipes, you said to yourself: "Hey I can do that!", or, better yet: "I can do that WAY BETTER then him / her". I bet it happend to you too, just as it happend to me. I saw some great looking dishes and some poorly made ones, and yet, no matter how good (or bad) those dishes looked - Someone, somewhere, took the time and effort to take pictures of their dish and upload it as a recipe for the all world to see.

I started wondering: What's in it for these content creators, or "Food Bloggers", which is what they do for a living. I followed many food bloggers' social media profiles, websites, food blogs and noticed one common thing for all of them: They all had a fancy kitchen, fancy car and a fancy huge beautiful house (and don't get me started about their pool or garden...).

A Food Blogger drinking coffee in the pool side of her Villa
Illustration: Picture of a Food Blogger, enjoying a cup of coffee while sitting in the pool area of her fancy villa

Someone (or something) must have paid for that luxurious lifestyle. So I started doing my own research (Doctor Google), and found out that these content creators, or "Food Bloggers" as they are liked to be called - Make LOADS Of Money!. How much is LOADS?. Lets' put it simple: Other then the house, car, kitchen and the things we can see, lets' talk about the things we can't see, but can learn from them of one's financial condition: Most of the food blogs I follow, have an entire staff that are working FULL TIME for them. Meaning, these blogs earns enough money to pay FULL TIME salaries of between 1-6 employees, and still makes enough to live well (and "Live Well" is an understatement). They don't upload content "Just for the fun of it", and don't get me wrong, I'm sure most of them loves cooking, but, with respect to their love - The REAL reason Food Bloggers create food content is because they are getting paid for it. YES - THEY MAKE MONEY!

A Food table with lots of cooking dishes and lots of money earned by this dishes
Illustration: Picture of a table with cooking dishes that the Food Blogger got paid for creating

It DID NOT and DOES NOT matter how your dish looks like - You can get paid for having your own cooking blog, creating your own food content. You may be thinking to yourself: "I am not an expert like these guys are", but i'll share a little secret with you: If you think the dishes you saw were cooked by a Michelin Star Chef? - The chances are that They Weren't, and most likely it was made by a normal person, just like you and me, who LEARNED how to make his dish look great for his viewers to like.

Oh yes, here is the PURE, UNTOLD TRUTH: Their dishes looks great because these content creators MADE SURE THEY WOULD LOOK GREAT. It is all a matter of DESIGN and which props or tools you used to make the dish look more decorative. For example: A nice looking plate and napkins in a matching colors to be in the frame next to it. Next are objects (or props) you put on the table for decoration, and they look great in the pictures. Also, you use some more props to get the best lighting you can for the final pictures, and finally you digitaly edit these pictures, for them to be even better looking then their original. All of that?, is super easy and is learned in minutes. Not to mention that digital editing of a picture can take as little as 3 mouse clicks (As simple as that)

A Food table with lots of cooking dishes and lots of money earned by this dishes
Illustration: Five Chefs. You don't have to be a Chef to start your own Food Blog

So now that you know for a fact that you don't have to be some Michlen Star Chef in order to become a full time Food Blogger, and you also know that food bloggers make money from the content they create, only one question remains: "Would you like to open YOUR OWN Food Blog?". If so, we will be more then happy to help you, guide you, and be with you for the entire process, and we'll even do so free of charge through one of our plans, which is called "The Mentoring Program". YES!, You heard CORRECTLY - 100% FREE Mentorship Program. You WILL NOT PAY US A DIME!. Want to know more? - Click on the next button, and welcome to the first day of your new life!